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Writer's pictureMarcelle Carroll

15 Markers of Progress (when the scales ain't movin')

We all know the frustration of putting in the hard yards and feeling like we're not being rewarded with the results we're looking for.

But if the 'results we're looking for' are an elusive number on the scales, we're probably going to be disappointed on the regular.

An inanimate object, spitting out a numerical representation of your gravitational pull based on countless complex factors on any given day.

WTF? The scales have ruined way more days than they've ever made. Fact.

Be honest. How many times have you got on the damn things, full of hope and wonder, seeking confirmation that the daily sweat sessions and lettuce leaves you've been trying to survive on have paid off and that you'll magically now take up less space on the earth than before?

Only to have your all your entire self-worth dashed by allegedly having not only failed to 'lose weight', but perhaps even gaining it!

The horror.

Cue mood being in the toilet for the rest of the day and asshole behaviour to everyone around you including self.

While I agree that the average trajectory of that pesky number on the scale (over many months or years) is a great indicator of progress and our general standings in 'size''s FAR from being an accurate representation of overall body composition (ie lean body mass vs body fat) or a short term marker of progress worth paying too much attention to. Certainly not worth having your day ruined by and yet we've all been there.

Another thing to remember (and I've reassured my clients with this a hundred times) is that progress isn't linear! The rate of change is simply not going to be a perfect line in the right direction at the same rate at all times. Even if you've been super compliant!

It actually looks a little more like this 👇

So when making an effort with your nutrition & lifestyle with a view to lose some weight, it's critical we look at multiple markers of progress to reflect the positive outcomes you WILL be creating for yourself, as opposed to focusing on one (often misleading) metric.

Your daily weight depends on a variety of factors like sodium consumption, muscle soreness, sleep quantity, alcohol consumption, hydration, training intensity/recovery status, meal timing and so much more.

Below is little progress inventory that should keep you motivated and give you a little perspective when needed.

Remembering that metabolic health, overall wellness, and ageing like a boss are just as important as aesthetic changes will ever be.

No matter how much you wanna fit in your skinny jeans.

The way your clothes fit

  • Have your body measurements changed since you started making positive nutrition & lifestyle changes?

  • Are your clothes a little looser or just fitting more comfortably? Great feeling.

Body composition

  • Has your body composition changed?

  • By this I mean could you have gained some muscle and lost some body fat? This is why taking pictures can be helpful. There can be body composition changes happening while the scale remains relatively the same.

Energy levels

  • Has your energy increased?

  • Are you getting through the day with a little more spring in your step and a little less reliance on caffeine or an arvo pick-me-up of sugar?


  • Do you notice yourself in a better mood overall? Simply making self-honouring choices and prioritising your health is a huge mental lift for most people - as it should be!

Hunger & Cravings

  • Has your appetite regulated a little?

  • Are you feeling more satiated from increasing protein and perhaps feeling less hungry between meals?

  • Are your cravings for ultra-processed junk food, sugar, or carbs getting 'quieter'? It's nice not feeling possessed.

Gastro-intestinal symptom relief

  • Have your digestion or bowel movements improved?

  • Do you experience less bloating, cramping, or symptoms of IBS? Gut health is critical for our overall wellness but some would argue the calming of their unpleasant GI distress is the biggest game changer in quality of life improvement.


  • Have your stress levels or methods of managing stress improved? When we're inflamed and toxic, stress is way harder to handle because our internal environment is already so stressed! A constant barrage of stress hormones also has a similar effect in the bloodstream to eating sugar. Supportive management techniques are a massive win as opposed to soothing and pacifying with food/booze.

Consistency of positive habits

  • Are you becoming more consistent to your diet and lifestyle adherence? Patience and consistency is the magic pill. The on/off yo-yo approach is what works...said no one ever.

Sleep quality and quantity

  • Are you getting more sleep?

  • Has the quality of your sleep improved? Adequate sleep regulates the appetite hormones and reduces inflammation amongst other things critical to weight loss.


  • Are you drinking more water?

  • Is this slowly becoming a new habit in your life? Hydration is possibly the lowest hanging fruit around. WATER. Not tea, coffee, diet coke or fruit juice.

Fitness performance

  • Has your performance improved? e.g. strength PB’s, faster 5K, burpees feeling a little snappier? This is huge and will happen in various ways on the regular. What was once a total challenge or even unachievable for you may now be a little challenging but achievable. That's empowering.

Movement frequency

  • Has your frequency of exercise or incidental movement in general increased? Gold star. A variety of movement styles like strength training, walking, and HIIT or occasional sprint efforts will make you harder to kill. Period.

Autopilot habits

  • Are you noticing new habits become more effortless? e.g. stretching, using a food, mood and lifestyle journal, prepping proteins and veggies for the week?


  • Has your mindset shifted? Are you noticing you are not using any old event or party as an excuse to forget about your goals? Have you realised you aren't relying on comfort foods to get you through stressful situations anymore? Supportive behaviours come in many forms.

Blood Results

  • Have your triglycerides gone down?

  • Has your HDL cholesterol increased?

  • Is you fasting glucose or HbA1c in a healthier range? Indisputably, these are cool markers of progress for metabolic health! #everything

So check in with yourself and focus on the markers of progress above as opposed to your alleged relationship with gravity at that moment in time.

Progress of arguably a much more important kind.

Now THAT'S progress.

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