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What I Eat in a Week

Because a day isn't enough! Being a health coach, or maybe just because I bang on about metabolic health a lot, I often get asked what I...

Get your MIND right for 2023!

Habit change plays a vital role in progress and growth of any kind, mainly because it involves turning theory into practice – turning...

Grains - what's all the fuss about?

Cereal, bread, pasta, rice...the staples of most people’s diet right? They were certainly a staple for me for the first 35+ years of my...

Building a Better Relationship with Food

If you're like most people, food isn't exactly just 'fuel'. And nor should it be really - we're a pleasure seeking animal. The...

10 Signs You Need To Reset Your Metabolism

With all the talk of metabolic health these days, how do we even KNOW if things are a bit funky at a cellular level? Most people know...

How much Protein should we eat? And why!

Oh my goodness this is my favourite thing. Being protein-centric is a game changer for health, weight, shape, muscle preservation,...

When your metabolism turns against you.

The thing that comes to piss us off during weight loss efforts. When what works doesn’t work anymore. I heard a great analogy recently...


Do you have friends that lift you up or tear you down? Or to reframe that, what kind of friend are YOU when a friend or family member...

Intuitive Eating

“Listen to you your body, it’s smarter than you” Hmmm...True or False? Intuitive Eating sounds pretty zen doesn't it. No pressure! Just...

Patience and Consistency. It’s a thing.

People often want to know what gets results. It’s this: Patience & Consistency. And yeh, of course some good old fashioned hard work...

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